Professional MacBook (Apple) repair in Warsaw - Fast and quality help

Same-day diagnosis and repair
Free diagnostics
15% discount for repeat orders
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High-quality repair of MacBook and Apple devices in Warsaw

If the service center says that repair is impossible, don't be upset. We will do everything possible to restore your MacBook or other Apple device at a fair price. Repair time is from 1 hour to 1 day, and all work is guaranteed. Trust us for high-quality and prompt repair!

How the work is done

We can do the job same day


Price for our services

Basic diagnostics of a laptop
for free
Cleaning a laptop (gaming)
240 zloty
Replacing the matrix
from 220 zloty
Board repair with component replacement
from 400 zloty

Professional MacBook repair in Warsaw — reliability and quality

Professional MacBook repair in Warsaw — reliability and quality

Despite the fact that Apple equipment has high reliability and maximum service life due to the excellent quality of components and assembly, malfunctions sometimes occur in its operation. Nothing is 100% immune to problems. Problems of varying complexity arise - from easily fixable breakdowns, for example, malfunctioning keys that simply require replacement, to serious software failures or damage to the motherboard.

If your laptop or PC stops working correctly, contact VNG service center. We fulfill Apple equipment repair in Warsaw with high quality, quickly and at an affordable cost.

MacBook repair requires high professionalism of specialists. At home, it is impossible to find the cause of the malfunction and replace spare parts. Despite its compactness and minimalistic design, the MacBook is a highly complex device, the “filling” of which resembles a labyrinth. Each device has a unique microcircuit, the components of which are located so close that any careless movement can lead to damage to the neighboring element. It’s better not to rely on luck and trust repair of laptops and Apple computers in Warsaw professionals. We will diagnose your MacBook and replace broken parts, connectors, and keys using special equipment and original components.

Apple equipment repair (Warsaw): professional service in Poland

Most often, the following problems are discovered during MacBook diagnostics:

  • Reduced battery life of the laptop battery (it often requires replacement).
  • Keys get stuck, causing them to not respond to commands.
  • The appearance of spots on the screen, deterioration of color reproduction.
  • Overheating of the MacBook, which entails cleaning or replacing individual parts of the cooling system.
  • Problems with the motherboard.
  • Software malfunctions.
  • Damage to ports and connectors requiring their replacement.
  • Charging problems that cause the laptop to not charge at all.
  • Type-C port controller failure.

We will definitely find the cause of the breakdown and fix it. MacBook repair in Warsaw with a guarantee and at a competitive price.

Why you should repair your MacBook in VNG

There are a number of reasons to order MacBook repair w VNG:

  • We repair all MacBook models - Pro, Air;
  • provide professional advice;
  • if replacement is necessary, we use only original parts from Apple;
  • We repair equipment at a competitive price.

We will replace damaged components, after which your MacBook or iMac will work like new again. Trust the professionals to take care of your Apple technology.

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