VNG website regulations

By delivering the equipment to the service center, the customer reads and voluntarily accepts these regulations by selecting the option "I have read the Regulations and accept their content" in the Application Form. It is also an agreement under which the repair service is provided and it regulates the rights and obligations in this respect. Any other provisions must be in writing and accepted by both parties. The Website offer is valid only within the European Union.


  • SERVICE –, ul. Ludwiki 4, 01-226 Warszawa, Poland, owned by Valentyn Linchevskyi; NIP: 5252983714.
  • CLIENT - The person or company that requested equipment for return, diagnosis or repair. The Customer certifies that he is the owner or acts on behalf of the owner of the equipment left entrusted to the Service and no other third party claims any rights to it. The customer may only be a person who is over 18 years of age or over 13 years of age and acts with the consent of his or her legal representative or guardian.
  • CONSUMER – A customer who is a natural person requesting a service in a scope not directly related to business or professional activity.
  • LOGIN - an activity consisting in entering the repair number on the website , allowing you to monitor the repair status.
  • APPLICATION FORM – a document describing the problem that is the reason for entrusting the equipment to the Service. The document contains information about the owner of the equipment, invoice and correspondence data, as well as a description of the fault, a description of the equipment sent to the service, attached accessories, characteristic items such as scratches, scratches, etc.
  • ADMISSION FORM – document confirming that the equipment has been entrusted to the service. The document contains information necessary to identify the equipment (brand, type, model, serial number), description of the technical condition, description of items delivered with the item (covers, sun visors, covers, etc.). If the customer gives the equipment personally to the service, it is prepared there is an acceptance form, a copy of which constitutes a document authorizing the customer to collect the equipment.
  • DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR FORM – A document containing a technical evaluation of the equipment delivered to the service, issued by a service technician, and in the case of out-of-warranty services, including a detailed repair estimate.
  • FORWARDER - a courier company with which the website has signed a permanent, current cooperation agreement.
  • DELIVERY MAN - an employee of the forwarder or a person acting on his behalf.

1. Service request

The condition for starting a repair or maintenance service is that the Customer submits a service request, which is also the conclusion of an agreement between the Service Center and the Customer, which can be made by submitting the Application Form:

Personally at the Service Provider, delivering the equipment to the Service Center during the Service opening hours (Monday-Friday 10.00-19.00, Saturday 10.00-15.00) and completing the Service Request Form on site.

By sending the equipment to the Service address indicated on the website and attaching a set of documents:

  • If the equipment is sent to the Website without a registration form, the Customer has 5 business days to send it electronically to the Website; if this condition is not met, the Customer may collect the equipment at the Website's address.
  • Application form (print available for download on the website). (If the Customer is unable to print the document completed electronically, it should be completed manually according to the diagram).

If the equipment delivered to the Service has passwords or other security measures that will prevent its repair, and the Customer does not inform about this fact at the time of returning the equipment, the date of commencement of the repair will be the date of delivery of the necessary passwords/keys/etc.

In connection with the change in the provisions of the Goods and Services Tax Act, Article 106b section 5 and 6, we would like to kindly inform you that we issue a VAT invoice with the Tax Identification Number (NIP) only for submitted Application Forms containing correct entrepreneur details and selecting the "Company" option. If you submit the Application Form as a "Private Person" (without providing the Tax Identification Number, selecting the "Private Person" option instead of "Company"), the sale will be registered as a sale to a person not running a business and only a personal invoice can be issued at a later date for a private person. . In the light of the new regulations, when purchasing a service/good, the buyer is obliged to report whether the purchase is made as a private person not conducting business activity or as an entrepreneur. Therefore, we kindly ask you to pay special attention when filling out the Application Form.

2. Shipment of equipment to the Service

The website does not accept cash on delivery or shipments with the fee transferred to the addressee.

The equipment should be packed carefully to protect the equipment from damage, preferably without additional accessories (sun visors, eyecups, straps, memory cards).

In a situation where the equipment is used with specific accessories, during which both devices work together and may generate errors or faults, in order to accurately diagnose the problem, these accessories should also be sent. (e.g. Sony E → Canon EF adapters, flash triggers, etc.)

If the equipment is shipped with "factory" batteries or batteries, they should be packed separately to protect the contacts against short-circuit (plastic bag, plastic or cardboard box without metal elements). Note: Short-circuiting the battery contacts may cause a fire!

The customer is responsible for the used and installed unlicensed software and other data on solid drives, other magnetic media, optical discs, CDs, DVDs or flash drives submitted with the equipment for repair. The Customer is obliged to protect all data contained in the equipment against loss and unauthorized reading, including making a backup copy on a device other than the equipment transferred to the Website. Attempting a diagnosis or repair process may result in data loss. The Website is not responsible for data left on the equipment transferred to the Website (disks, flash memories, etc.), unless the Customer orders a data archiving service on the Website in accordance with the quote.

The risk of damage to the equipment during transport to the Service Center is borne by the Customer. To avoid unpleasant situations and damage to the equipment, the equipment should be properly packed and secured. We also recommend purchasing the 'carefully' option and insuring the package in the case of delicate, high-value items.

If the Service receives a damaged parcel, a parcel acceptance protocol will be prepared by the courier, further actions in the event of claiming compensation are the responsibility of the customer and the courier company.

The cost of shipping outside the EU is calculated individually and consulted with the customer before starting the complaint process.

The shipper of the Website is UPS. The customer may use the services of any transport company of his choice.

3. VAT rate for the price list of website services

VAT will be added to each amount specified in the website price list in the following amounts:

  • B2B client - with an active VAT number
    • Poland - 23% VAT
    • EU countries - 0% VAT
    • Countries outside the EU - 0% VAT
  • B2C-customer
    • Poland - 23% VAT
    • EU countries - 23% VAT (including France 20% VAT, Germany 19% VAT)
    • Countries outside the EU - 0% VAT

4. Collecting equipment from the Service

  • The Customer is informed about the completion of the notification by e-mail and/or telephone, after which he can collect the equipment or have it sent back to him - at the Customer's discretion. In the event of a warranty repair, the Service covers the shipping costs. The cost of shipping equipment covered by out-of-warranty service is covered by the Customer - cost according to the quote.
  • In the case of payment by transfer, collection or shipment of the equipment is possible after the funds are credited to the Service account.
  • The Customer will be charged PLN 50 (transport and return transport costs) if he does not collect the shipment with the equipment from the Website. The standard delivery method is two delivery attempts. After two unsuccessful delivery attempts, the shipment with the equipment is returned by the Forwarder to the sender, i.e. the Service.
  • After 7 business days from the moment of notifying the Customer about the completion of the notification and the request to collect the items, and if he fails to collect the equipment within this period, he will be asked to collect the items again within 7 days and after the ineffective expiry of this period, a storage fee will be charged. equipment in the amount of PLN 10 net plus VAT, i.e. PLN 12.30 gross for each day of delay in receipt.
  • The equipment can be picked up in person at the service center after presenting the Acceptance Form and an identity document (passport, driving license, ID card).
  • The equipment is shipped to the Customer to the address provided in the Application Form.
  • If the shipment is suspected of being tampered with or the equipment is damaged during transport, the Customer has the right to check the condition of the packaging in the presence of the courier after receiving the shipment. Each shipment should be wrapped with protective tape on the outside. If this is not the case, it means that the parcel may have been opened by unauthorized persons. In such a case, we suggest checking its contents in the presence of the Courier. After noticing any damage, you can unpack the parcel in the presence of the courier and, if damage to the contents is found, prepare an appropriate report together. If damage to the shipment is discovered after the courier's departure, the Service must be notified with the following information: description of the damage, consignment note number, delivery date, in order for the Service to consider the report.

5. Warranty repair

5.1 The warranty may be rejected in the event of:

  • breaking warranty seals;
  • use and/or maintenance inconsistent with the operating instructions;
  • attempts by the Customer or other unauthorized entity to repair the device;
  • wear of consumable parts after exceeding the product operating time guaranteed by the manufacturer; (batteries, burners, modeling bulbs, etc.), if this is the cause of non-functioning, incorrect operation of the equipment;
  • using damaged equipment (using damaged equipment may lead to aggravation of the fault and other product defects);
  • damage resulting from modifications or repairs made outside the Website;
  • the damage was caused by a mechanical impact;
  • when the equipment has been flooded, sandy, treated with chemicals, exposed to temperatures or weather conditions not intended by the manufacturer;
  • damage caused by events such as: lightning strike, power line surge, fire, or other uncontrolled phenomenon beyond the manufacturer's control;
  • damage to manufacturer's markings (intentionally erased serial and factory numbers) making their identification impossible;
  • the defect results from mechanical damage that is not the result of a defect or from failure to operate and/or maintain the equipment in accordance with the instructions.

Maintenance of the equipment, resulting from its specific use, is carried out for a fee by the Service based on an individual quote. Maintenance services are not covered by the Warranty. If the Service technician determines that the fault does not qualify for warranty repair, the Customer will be informed about it and the fault will be priced as in the case of post-warranty repair.

6. Post-warranty repair

1 Service time

Within 1-5 business days, the Service Center will analyze the fault and inform the Customer about the possibilities of repairing the equipment, along with presenting a detailed cost estimate.

In the event of non-standard faults that are difficult to diagnose, the equipment diagnosis time may be extended to a maximum of 14 business days, of which the Customer will be informed by e-mail.

The repair will be completed within 1-14 business days from the moment the Customer agrees to the repair and its cost. In the case of formal defects in documents, the repair period runs from the date of removal of these defects by the Customer.

Within 14 days from the date of receipt of the repair estimate, the Customer decides to order the repair of the Equipment or collects the Equipment from the Service Center within this period.

If the Customer fails to collect the Equipment within the above 14-day period, the Service Center will again call the Customer in the form of communication agreed with the Customer to collect the Equipment, setting an additional 7-day deadline for its collection, at the same time informing that if the Customer fails to collect the Equipment within the additional period, collects, further storage of the Equipment will be.

In case of difficulties, the Service reserves the right to extend the deadlines to 48 business days after prior arrangement with the Customer.

If you waive the repair costs, the equipment will be prepared for collection or shipment within 5 business days.

2 Diagnosis and valuation

Diagnosis and valuation of post-warranty equipment are free of charge if, after the diagnosis, the Customer starts the repair. If the Customer refuses to repair and return the damaged equipment, a fee of PLN 30 for the diagnosis and a possible cost of returning the equipment of PLN 30 (transport cost) is charged.

In exceptional situations (flooded equipment, after severe mechanical damage) or due to very time-consuming and complicated service activities, the cost of diagnosis is agreed individually with the client. Diagnosis of such equipment may involve the need to start up the equipment, which may in some cases generate further faults. The Service reserves the right to return damaged equipment with slightly different fault symptoms - the Customer will be notified of this possibility and the equipment will be put into operation after confirmation by the Customer.

Repairs and maintenance services performed by the Service Center are calculated based on the price of a technician's man-hour and the price of elements and components replaced during the repair, resulting from the Price List available at:

In special cases, the Service Center has the right to request a deposit for the repair / ordered spare parts. After the repair is completed, the deposit will be applied to the final repair costs. The service center has the right to keep the deposit if the Customer resigns from the repair. If the repair is impossible for reasons attributable to the Service Center, the deposit will be returned to the Customer.

The service reserves the right to return unrepaired equipment to the customer due to the lack of original parts or substitutes on the market and other factors beyond the service's control.

Repair estimates presented to the Customer are gross values, including taxes and shipping costs of the Equipment.

The customer has the option of paying for the service by:

  • bank transfer to the Service's bank account at the bank made before shipping or personal collection of the equipment,
  • cash.

3 Repair

The Service Center repairs only and exclusively faults reported by the Customer when returning the equipment or recorded on the notification document attached to the shipment, in the event that during the repair, defects of the Equipment were discovered that could not be assessed before the repair commenced and were not reported by the Customer, or were not included in the prepared quote, the Service Center will refrain from continuing the repair and will inform the Customer about the occurrence of such a circumstance and present a new quote for the service.

Damaged subassemblies/components that were replaced in the repair process become the property of the service and will be disposed of in accordance with the standards and requirements of environmental protection and recycling regarding electronic components (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1688, Act of September 11, 2015 on waste electrical and electronic equipment).

The website does not sell spare parts.

7. Warranty for performed warranty and post-warranty repairs

The service provides a 6-month warranty for repairs performed. The warranty covers only the elements and activities that are the subject of repair. The warranty does not cover cleaning and maintenance services. In the case of devices after flooding or severe mechanical impacts, the warranty period depends on the complexity of the damage and is set individually for a period from 1 month to 6 months.

The warranty may be rejected in the event of: point 5.1 If the warranty is accepted, it is extended by the duration of the equipment's stay at the service center.

8. Terms of provision of electronic services

To use the Website and submit the Application Form, it is not necessary for the Customer's computer or other terminal device (e.g. smartphone, tablet) to meet any specific technical conditions. All you need is: Internet access, an e-mail address and a standard operating system and web browser.

Website uses cookies. For the website to function properly, you must agree to enable cookies.

9. Withdrawal from the contract by the consumer

  • A Customer who is a Consumer who has concluded a contract via the website has the right to withdraw from the concluded contract within 14 days from the date of its conclusion, without giving any reason and without incurring costs, except for the costs specified in Art. 33, art. 34 section 2 and art. 35 of the Consumer Rights Act. The withdrawal form constitutes Annex 2 to the Consumer Rights Act, but its use is not obligatory.
  • To meet the deadline referred to in section 1 above, it is sufficient to send the declaration of withdrawal before its expiry to the following address:
  • The implementation of the service for the Consumer may begin only on the expiry of the 14-day deadline for submitting a declaration of withdrawal from the contract, unless the Consumer clearly states in the Application Form that the service is to begin before the expiry of this deadline.
  • If the Consumer consents to the commencement of the provision of the service before the expiry of the 14-day period for withdrawal from the contract, the Consumer loses the right to withdraw from the contract. Consent can be given in the Application Form.
  • After the Service has provided the service, the Consumer will lose the right to withdraw from the contract referred to in this point. Regulations.
  • The right to withdraw from the contract is not available in the cases specified in Art. 38 of the Consumer Rights Act, i.e. in relation to contracts:
    • for the provision of services, if the entrepreneur has fully performed the service with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed before the provision of services that after the entrepreneur has completed the service, he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;
    • in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the entrepreneur has no control and which may occur before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract;
    • in which the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the consumer's specifications or serving to meet his individual needs;
    • in which the subject of the service is an item that deteriorates quickly or has a short shelf life;
    • in which the subject of the service is an item delivered in a sealed package, which cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the package was opened after delivery;
    • in which the subject of the service are items which, after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other items;
    • in which the subject of the service are alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon when concluding the sales contract, and whose delivery can only take place after 30 days and whose value depends on market fluctuations over which the entrepreneur has no control;
    • in which the consumer has expressly requested the entrepreneur to come to him for urgent repair or maintenance; if the entrepreneur additionally provides services other than those requested by the consumer, or supplies items other than spare parts necessary for repair or maintenance, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract in relation to additional services or items;
    • in which the subject of the service are sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in a sealed package, if the package was opened after delivery;
    • for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts;
    • concluded by public auction;
    • for the provision of accommodation services other than for residential purposes, transportation of goods, car rental, catering, services related to recreation, sports or cultural events, if the contract specifies the day or period of service provision;
    • for the supply of digital content that is not recorded on a tangible medium, if the performance of the service began with the consumer's express consent before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract expires and after the entrepreneur informed him about the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract. The Seller informs that point e above applies in particular to toothbrushes, which cannot be returned after opening the packaging for hygiene reasons.
  • All payments made by the Consumer in connection with the contract will be refunded within 14 days from the date of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal.

10. Complaints and out-of-court dispute resolution

  • The Website accepts complaints and complaints from Customers in electronic form - to the Website's e-mail address:
  • The Customer will be informed of the result of considering the complaint or complaint without undue delay, but no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the complaint by the Website.
  • The Website may respond to a submitted complaint or claim: a) in paper form to the correspondence address provided by the Customer; b) via another durable information medium, i.e. SMS, to the indicated telephone number of the Customer; c) via e-mail to the indicated e-mail address of the Customer.
  • The Website's decision regarding the complaint is final.
  • After exhausting the complaint procedure, the Customer has the right to pursue unacknowledged claims in a common court competent in accordance with the provisions of civil procedure.
  • The consumer may use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims, for example:
    • is entitled to apply to a permanent consumer arbitration court referred to in Art. 37 of the Act of December 15, 2000 on the Trade Inspection, with a request to resolve a dispute over property rights arising from the concluded contract. The regulations for the organization and operation of permanent consumer arbitration courts are set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Justice of September 25, 2001 on determining the regulations for the organization and operation of permanent consumer arbitration courts.
    • is entitled to apply to the voivodeship inspector of the Trade Inspection, in accordance with Art. 36 of the Act of December 15, 2000 on the Trade Inspection, with a request to initiate mediation proceedings regarding the amicable settlement of the dispute between him and the Website. Information on the principles and procedure of the mediation procedure conducted by the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection is available at the offices and on the websites of individual Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection.
    • may obtain free assistance in resolving a dispute between him and the Website, also using the free assistance of a district (municipal) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection. Advice is provided by the Consumer Federation and the Association of Polish Consumers under the free consumer hotline number 800 889 866.
  • Additional information on out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims can be found on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at:

11. Personal data protection

The administrator of personal data processed within the scope and purposes clearly specified by the Administrator is Valentyn Linchevskyi, Warsaw, Poland, NIP: 5252983714; e-mail:; (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator"). Information on the processing of personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy at: