Laptop and PC repair in Warsaw from Dell, HP, Lenovo

Same-day diagnosis and repair
Free diagnostics
15% discount for repeat orders
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Urgent repair of computers and laptops in Warsaw

Need a motherboard replacement or is repair impossible? Don't rush to get upset. We will try to bring back to life a seemingly hopeless laptop at a fair price. Repair takes from 1 hour to 1 day, and all work is guaranteed. Contact us for a quick and high-quality solution to the problem!

How the work is done

We can do the job same day


Price for our services

Basic diagnostics of a laptop
for free
Cleaning a laptop (gaming)
240 zloty
Replacing the matrix
from 220 zloty
Board repair with component replacement
from 400 zloty

Professional laptop repair in Warsaw (Poland): reliability and affordable prices

Professional laptop repair in Warsaw (Poland): reliability and affordable prices

If your laptop or netbook stops working, the case is damaged, or there are problems with the processor, video card or other components, contact the VNG service center. We perform diagnostics and laptop and PC repair in Warsaw (Poland) quickly, with a guarantee and at a reasonable price.

We provide a full range of services for Dell laptop repair, Asus, HP, etc. in Warsaw, among which are:

  • Cleaning. Provides for complete disassembly of the device, cleaning from dust, dismantling the cooling system, and replacing thermal paste.
  • Video card repair. We will restore or replace the video card. Basically, overheating causes a video card to break down. When repairing a video card, it is often necessary to replace the BGA chip.
  • External repairs (restoration or replacement of the housing). We replace rotary hinges and eliminate external cracks.
  • Motherboard repair. Work of varying complexity is carried out. We find and fix problems in power supply circuits, multicontroller operation, battery charging, and flash the BIOS. In the diagnostic process, professional tools are used - a multimeter, an oscilloscope and others.
  • Keyboard replacement or repair.
  • Power connector repair. Most often, a malfunction results from careless handling or the use of a non-original power supply.
  • Replacing the matrix. In some cases, the situation allows for partial repairs. If repair is not possible, a complete screen replacement is performed.
  • Replacing the hard drive. If your laptop's performance suddenly deteriorates, the problem may be caused by a faulty hard drive (HDD) that needs to be replaced. To improve performance, HDD devices can be replaced with SSDs.

Our multi-service specialists have all the necessary equipment for laptop repair and extensive experience. Original parts are used - processors, HDD, SSD and other components.

The cost of urgent repair of a laptop (netbook) with a guarantee

We clean professionally HP, Lenovo, Dell, Asus laptop repair in Warsaw, and also repair computer equipment from other manufacturers in the shortest possible time. If possible - on the day of application. To find out how much the work costs repair of laptops and personal computers in Poland, the price of replacing components, check out the price list.

Price for diagnostics and repair of a laptop in Warsaw

Price Lenovo laptop repair (and other models) in Warsaw at the service center VNG depends on the complexity of the work. Our multi-service specialists will cope with any task.

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